General Documentation

User Documentation for ANAR.PARTS

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1. General Information

Website Name: ANAR.PARTS

Main Features and Capabilities:

  • Providing information about auto parts stores, service centers, and other automotive products in the USA.
  • Blog with helpful articles and tips on auto parts and car maintenance.
  • "Explore" section for finding information about stores and services by country, state, and city.
  • Business section for automotive businesses to register and add their information to the site.

Target Audience:

  • Drivers and car enthusiasts.
  • Individuals looking for information on auto parts stores and service centers in the USA.
  • Business owners who want to promote their automotive services.

2. Website Structure

Home Page The home page of ANAR.PARTS provides an overview of all available sections and key features of the website.

Blog The blog section includes the following sub-sections:

Explore This section is a directory where information about stores, service centers, and other automotive services is published by country, state, and city. Currently, it covers only the USA.

Contact Us A page for contacting the site administration. Users can send their questions or requests via a contact form or email.

ANAR.PARTS FOR BUSINESS A section for business owners where they can register and add their business information to ANAR.PARTS.

3. Registration and Login Process

ANAR.PARTS provides registration and login options for users. Here are the details of these processes:

New User Registration:

  1. Go to the registration page: Sign Up
  2. Fill in the required fields: Name, Email, Username, Password, and Confirm Password.
  3. Select the account type and specify the location.
  4. Agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
  5. Confirm you are not a robot (reCAPTCHA).
  6. Click the "Register" button.

Login for Registered Users:

  1. Go to the login page.
  2. Enter your Username and Password.
  3. Click the "Login" button.

4. Website Navigation

Key Interface Elements:

5. Key Features Description

Blog The blog includes articles and guides on various topics related to auto parts and car maintenance. Sub-sections of the blog:

Explore A directory where users can search for stores and services by country, state, and city.

ANAR.PARTS FOR BUSINESS A section for business owners where they can register and add their business information to the site.

6. Support and Feedback

If users have questions or issues, they can contact the site administration through the Contact Us page. There is also an option to send a request via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

7. Usage Examples

For user convenience, the site provides various usage scenarios, including examples of searching for auto parts and information about services.

8. User Menu Details

Profile Page:

  • Edit Profile — Users can update their personal information and settings. Edit Profile
  • My Listings — View and manage all listings added by the user. My Listings
  • Add a Business — Add a new business listing to the site. Add a Business
  • My Comments — View and manage comments made by the user. My Comments
  • Logout — Log out of the user account. Logout

Edit Profile Page:

  • Users can update their profile image, location, basic data, and password.

Add Business Page:

  • Users can add a new business listing by providing the title, category, contact information, description, meta description, keywords, location, video links, and images.

List of User Listings Page:

  • Displays all the listings added by the user with options to edit, block, or delete each listing.

User Comments Page:

  • Displays all comments made by the user on various listings and articles.

Profile Page Details:

  • Shows the user's location, points, and a list of their added listings with details such as title, category, location, and distance.


Thank you for using ANAR.PARTS! We hope this documentation helps you navigate and make the most out of our website. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us through the Contact Us page.

As we continue to expand and enhance our services, we will update this documentation to provide you with the latest information and features. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements!